Ryukyu-no (Okinawan) Rock – JET

Ryukyu Island Rock n Roll ™ -Official website of the Ryukyu Island rock band JET

Monday, June 10, 2024

Special Performance for Ryukyu Island Rock Band JET 16 June 2024

The Ryukyu Island rock band JET will be part of a special event at the 16th annual Nirai Harii being held @ Chatan Hamagawa Fishing Port (a.k.a. Chatan Fisherina) on Sunday,16 June 2024.

The day will be filled with an eclectic array of edibles and entertainment. If you are in the area or looking for a fun-filled way to spend your day, come on out and enjoy all the festivities.

posted by JETjaw at 10:48 am  

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